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Forum du clan Toribash - Toribash Clan's forum - Le FrOgRUM

[FROG] est un clan officiel du jeu Toribash - Visitez aussi le forum sur toribash.com.
[FROG] is an official clan of the game Toribash - Also visit our forum on toribash.com.

Derniers sujets

» Bon ben moi j'ai toujours mes clés
par Kyat Ven 6 Mar - 19:17

» News du clan [FROG] | 14-04-2010
par Melmoth Mer 14 Avr - 9:10

» [Têtard]pacman46
par pacman46 Mar 13 Avr - 17:18

» Maccloud c'est moi!
par Maccloud Jeu 11 Fév - 20:38

» Rien que pour toi Vermine...
par Kyat Jeu 11 Fév - 2:01

» News du clan [FROG] | 27-01-2010
par Kyat Ven 29 Jan - 22:26

» Présentation d'Oxymore.
par leverdier Ven 22 Jan - 21:14

» Hep, Leverdier, une promotion ?
par leverdier Mar 19 Jan - 21:40

» Bon anniv au Verm
par LasseloH Jeu 14 Jan - 21:19

» Ca méritait un sujet :)
par Vermine Mar 12 Jan - 23:25

» [Replays]leverdier
par skulloman Mar 5 Jan - 6:51

» Mauvaise ou bonne surprise ? a vous de voir
par Spoky Jeu 24 Déc - 12:44

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    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians !


    Masculin Age : 40
    Localisation : Nice, France
    Date d'inscription : 03/03/2009

    Armes Armes: Pets et Matière fécale
    Cri de guerre Cri de guerre: VEROOOOOOOLE

    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! Empty Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians !

    Message par Melmoth Jeu 5 Mar - 17:49


    This is the official forum of the French Toribash Clan [FROG].

    How to join [FROG] ?

    Basically, all our members are french-speaking and we don't accept anyone who isn't fluent in french.
    Even if you're not a natural born french speaker, you can still join our group, but you will have to post in the regular french board (in french, of course). If you can't speak french, this clan isn't for you !
    Anyhow, you can express yourself in this english part of our forum.

    How to communicate with [FROG] ?

    Alliance ? Clan Wars ? Anything you want to say/ask ?
    Feel free to use this board !

    Try to be clear within the title of your subject. If you want to ask a clan war make sure to write down [CW] in the title of your post.
    Ex : [CW]FART
    In the case of a request for a clan war please tell us the conditions of match (mod, number of player, round, knockout, etc...).
    Let us know also what clan you are a member of. (Links fully appreciated)

    If you want an alliance : [Allies], if you want just to post something fun : [Fun].

    How to register on the forum ?

    First click on "S'enregistrer" in top menu.

    The following page is the registering form.
    Fill the fields :

    • Nom d'utilisateur = User name - Enter the username you wish to use.
    • Adresse E-mail = Email Adress - Enter your Email adress.
    • Mot de passe = Password - Enter your password.
    • Sexe = Sex choose masculin=male or Féminin=female
    • Date de naissance = Birthday. Order : jour=day, mois=month, année=year
    • Localisation = where you live.

    You can then click on the button "Enregistrer"
    On the second page you will be asked to confirm your password. Retype it in the field. (Must be the SAME password)
    The other button is reset to empty all fields.

    All fields with a * MUST be filled (that is to say everything Smile)

    Errors you might get will be noticed in a red window on top of the register form.

    • "Vous devez compléter les champs obligatoire" : You must fill the required fields. Means you have left some field blank.
    • "Les mots de passe que vous avez tapés sont différents.": You have entered different passwords. You have to pay attention to the caps and type the EXACT same password.
    • "Désolé, mais cette adresse e-mail est invalide": Sorry but this email adress is unvalid. You must enter a correct working email adress to register.
    • "Désolé, mais cette adresse e-mail est déjà enregistrée par un autre utilisateur.": Sorry but this email adress is already used by another user. Pick a different one.
    • "Désolé, mais ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà pris.": Sorry but this username is already used. Choose a different username.
    • "Désolé, mais ce site n'accepte pas les utilisateurs âgés de plus de 99 ans": Sorry but this website doesn't authorize people older to 99 years. We have old ennemies we wouldn't like to see come bothering us again on this forum.
    • "Désolé, vous ne pouvez pas vous inscrire sur ce forum. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur.": Sorry you can't register this forum. Contact the administrator. Means you are too young to dare registering on our forum. Sorry boy, come back next year.

    After you have correctly filled every field you will have this message :
    "Votre compte a été créé. Toutefois, ce forum requiert que votre compte soit activé, et donc une clef d'activation a été envoyée à l'adresse e-mail que vous avez fournie. Veuillez vérifier votre boîte e-mail pour de plus amples informations.

    Si vous utilisez un système de messagerie comme hotmail, vérifiez que cet email n'est pas placé dans le dossier 'Courrier indésirable'. Ajoutez-le à votre liste blanche pour pouvoir recevoir les notifications et autres informations en provenance du forum.

    Your account has been created. Nevertheless, this forum requires that your account be activated and so an activation key has been sent to you at the email adress you gave us. Please check your mailbox for more infos.

    If you use mail services like hotmail, check that this email hasn't been placed in your junk mails list. Add it to your white list to receive notifications and other informations coming from the forum.

    Click to get back to index.

    Check your email account, in it there is a reminder of your login and password.
    Under the lines "Votre compte est actuellement inactif. Vous ne pouvez pas l'utiliser tant que vous n'aurez pas visité le lien suivant:" there is a link you need to click on.

    Following message should occur "Votre compte a été activé. Merci pour votre enregistrement."
    Your account has been registered. Thanks for your registering.

    You did it Smile

    Now click "Connexion" in the top menu.

    Fill in your login and password, check "Connexion automatique" - automatic connexion - if you want and press the button "Connexion".

    Now you can follow the next step to turn the forum in english.

    How to see this forum in English ?
    Once registered, you can use this forum in english (but still everything won't be translated). Just click in the top menu "Profil" under our banner.
    Just click on the tab "Préférences". Go down the page until you see : "Langue du Forum :" with a combo box. In the list choose english and then click at the bottom of the page on the button "Enregistrer".
    This should translate most of the "common" parts of the forum.
    Anyway pictures are not translated.

    Here is a quick translation of the buttons :
    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! T_new_fr = Post a new thread/message
    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! T_reply_fr = Reply
    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! Icon_multiquote_off_fr = Multi-Quote
    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! P_mq_add_fr = Quote
    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! P_edit_fr = Edit your post
    Welcome, non-francophone Toribashians ! P_delete_fr = Erase

    => If you wanna say something to the leaders of the clan, PM Melmoth or Kyat in this forum or in the official Toribash forum.
    (Vermine is also a leader but less fluent in english)

      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 1 Juil - 6:45