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Forum du clan Toribash - Toribash Clan's forum - Le FrOgRUM

[FROG] est un clan officiel du jeu Toribash - Visitez aussi le forum sur toribash.com.
[FROG] is an official clan of the game Toribash - Also visit our forum on toribash.com.

Derniers sujets

» Bon ben moi j'ai toujours mes clés
par Kyat Ven 6 Mar - 19:17

» News du clan [FROG] | 14-04-2010
par Melmoth Mer 14 Avr - 9:10

» [Têtard]pacman46
par pacman46 Mar 13 Avr - 17:18

» Maccloud c'est moi!
par Maccloud Jeu 11 Fév - 20:38

» Rien que pour toi Vermine...
par Kyat Jeu 11 Fév - 2:01

» News du clan [FROG] | 27-01-2010
par Kyat Ven 29 Jan - 22:26

» Présentation d'Oxymore.
par leverdier Ven 22 Jan - 21:14

» Hep, Leverdier, une promotion ?
par leverdier Mar 19 Jan - 21:40

» Bon anniv au Verm
par LasseloH Jeu 14 Jan - 21:19

» Ca méritait un sujet :)
par Vermine Mar 12 Jan - 23:25

» [Replays]leverdier
par skulloman Mar 5 Jan - 6:51

» Mauvaise ou bonne surprise ? a vous de voir
par Spoky Jeu 24 Déc - 12:44

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    What is [FROG] ?


    Masculin Age : 42
    Localisation : Gers, France
    Date d'inscription : 03/03/2009

    Armes Armes: Salive et Urine
    Cri de guerre Cri de guerre: JAMBOOOOOOOON ! CAFE !!!

    What is [FROG] ? Empty What is [FROG] ?

    Message par Kyat Mar 21 Avr - 4:57

    [FROG] at the moment is a french-speaking players organisation which was born in clan Fr_Death.
    Now we want to evolve as a true Toribash clan and no more as a community for any french talking person.
    We are looking for a fewer number of clan members but aim at a better atmosphere, more adult, within the clan itself.

    The fact of having our own forum allows us to welcome you people and guide you through several categories.
    Of course, there is only one english part at the time, so all the crazyness will be stuck in there at the beginning.
    The forum will change when and if we need it to change.

    Of course, the forum will be mostly active in the french parts. But, with your help and posts, we hope this english part will grow and bring us some nice friends and fun over Toribash community.

    We will moderate this part as we like, just remember to be a kind person, to be clear and precise in your post, and this should do the trick. If you come for any fagotry there are a lot of chances that your posts will simply be eradicated from our forum.

      La date/heure actuelle est Ven 5 Juil - 7:58